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And while you explain the benefits, make it a point to lay out the potential risks and challenges as well, so that everyone gets the complete picture. It’s important to remain consistent in what you say and how frequently you communicate to get everyone on the same page.

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Determine how the new change offers various stakeholders personal and professional benefits and communicate this, allowing them to voice their concerns and ideas. Make sure you clearly understand stakeholder motivations while designing a communications plan. It is much easier to secure buy-in if stakeholders understand how their participation can impact a project and how the project outcome impacts them in return. For those stakeholders where active involvement is critical, make sure they get involved in the early stages of the project. You need to prioritise your list of stakeholders and assign logical roles to them in a way that gives you the level of support and participation that you need while meeting the needs of the individuals. Not all stakeholders will have the same level of involvement with, or influence on your cloud migration project. Prioritise stakeholders and assign logical roles These will ultimately affect the complexity of the migration exercise and help you determine what role each stakeholder will play in the project. It’s worth keeping in mind that every business is different and the roles that need to be involved in your migration will vary based on factors such as, t he size of your company, number of users, company’s objectives, legal obligations, organisational culture, business continuity needs, etc. In addition to IT roles working directly with the cloud, there are several other groups such as C-suite, finance, legal, procurement, and other internal units that might need to be brought in.

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